downtown saturday nite

We've all been there... to many drinks and time has passed and there is an alarm from below. Dancing isn't cutting it anymore. The line is so long. Finally the doors open and even if there was any TP in there, there isn't enough in the world to make sitting down OK...

I am really interested in trying to create a beautiful image out of filth and grime. I like to use dirt to capture the quality of being unfrequented. I decided to paint the portrait of these two neglected souls with the hope of invoking the emotions of loneliness, emptiness and abandonment. Isolation does't always appear the way we think it should. The elegant rusty patina of the commodes may have many bright, attractive colors but they are merely a precursor to a crumbling faced. The mildew on the walls grows each day and crawls slowly toward each other as if the two friends are reaching out to touch.

diptych. 2 11x14 acrylic and resin on canvas. 2017